+34 986 211 500 nv@nunezvigo.com


Transverse thruster

We are manufacturers of transverse thrusters, having a wide range of bow thrusters in our catalog. We offer transverse thruster with direct hydraulic drives, with an electric drive or with a hydraulic drive with a conical group. In addition, to designing custom propellers if the client requires it. Our technical office, with extensive experience in the sector, study each case, and advise the best option in each situation.

Within our direct-drive transverse thrusters, our clients find models up to 88 kW. For high power transverse thrusters, we have our range of propellers with an electric drive or with a hydraulic drive with a conical group, capable of offering bow thrusters up to 500 kW.

Besides, we have tailor-made products for special circumstances, we have direct-drive transverse thrusters with a removable tunnel, for ships where space requirements are tight.

With transverse thrusters we supply the necessary hydraulic equipment, adapted to each situation, offering a turnkey solution if the client requires it.

All our transverse thrusters are supplied with a standard tunnel that allows adaptation on the ship.

hélices de maniobra
hélices de maniobra

Hydrostatic transmissions

We design and manufacture transverse thrusters with closed-circuit drive transmissions. We supply hydraulic power groups to be integrated into the ship´s main propulsion gearbox PTO, oil tank, hydraulic motors to the transverse propeller and propeller with a standard hydrodynamic tunnel chunk. We study each case to adapt our client’s needs with the models available.

Control systems

Our propellers can be supplied with a control system, we have different control models, from the basic for incorporation into small ships to the most sophisticated and complex controls certified by the classification societies.

Table of powers

Maximum Power kW
E.L. motorDiesel
HTTFrequency HzAux.Dynpos Ice class IASAux.Dynpos Ice class IAS
MYD motor (kW)* new design under development.
HNVAUX.Dynpos Ice class IAS